Lake Clifton gets Cockatubes to help endangered Black Cockatoos


Birdlife WA have engaged Landcare SJ to supply and install 25 nestboxes for Black Cockatoos this month across the Peel Region.

This week Landcare commenced the installation in the Lake Clifton area – supplementing Cockatubes installed last year through the Peel Harvey Catchment Council. It brings the Cockatube count in the area to around 30, creating a breeding habitat corridor.

The Birdlife WA project is funded through the Alcoa Foundation.


Landcare SJ has been developing the Cockatube since 2005 and have installed in excess of 1000 nesting hollows across the south west of Western Australia since then.

Recently, ten highly modified Cockatubes were sent to Weipa in Far North Queensland to address breeding habitat shortage for the distinctive Palm Cockatoo.


Posted in Black Cockatoos, Cockatubes, Latest News.