Landcare SJ Inc.
Our Vision
To provide the means for the community to care for the land today, in a way that will leave it better for tomorrow.
Our Mission
To provide leadership to access, initiate and integrate the resources to enable community groups to manage the land, water and remnant vegetation in a sustainable manner in partnership with government.
Our Values
Who we are
Landcare SJ Inc is a not-for-profit community based organisation that coordinates landcare, bushcare and catchment care in the districts of Serpentine Jarrahdale and North Murray.
In partnership with other groups and landholders in the community, we develop and enact programs to achieve:
A reversal in land degradation;
Promotion of best land management;
Conservation and restoration of habitat for native flora and fauna.
Improvement of water quality in river systems, drains and wetlands.
We also provide opportunities, resources and support for landholders and community groups to improve their skills and knowledge in the management of natural resources.
Our Community
We support community groups throughout the districts of Serpentine Jarrahdale and North Murray.
We assist these groups in carrying out on-ground environmental restoration in natural areas such as bushland reserves and along waterways.
This includes providing technical assistance with advice and accessing resources and funding.
There are over 100 volunteers associated with these groups and Landcare SJ Inc.greatly values their support and we encourage new members to join.
Landcare staff welcome visitors to the Landcare Centre in the old school building in Mundijong.
What We Do
Landcare is able to provide information and give advice on many environmental issues including:-
Control of weeds, pests and disease;
Pasture management;
Strategic revegetation;
Bushland management and regeneration;
Management of waterways and wetlands;
Environmental education;
Native fauna;
Community programs including fox and rabbit baiting
SJ Shire’s Free Verge Plant Program