two men standing in front of an RUOK banner

RU OK Day 2023

RUOK? Day Community Planting and Morning Tea A heartfelt thank you to all who joined us at RUOK? Day in Jarrahdale. Our community came together to celebrate this special day with a planting event and morning tea set amongst the beautiful backdrop of Gooralong Brook. Thank you to George Walley for a moving Welcome to […]

group of environmental attendees at planting site

Empowering the Community to Save Endangered Carnaby’s

Landcare SJ coordinated 4 planting days as part of a collaboration with the Murdoch University led Keep Carnaby’s Flying – Ngoolarks Forever project. Funded by Lottery West this project aims to engage the community to keep Carnaby’s flying (safeguard their future) by addressing threats and providing food, water and habitat across the Perth-Peel region. Over […]

several adult conservation students in bushland

Jarrahdale Bushland Benefits From Conservation Education

Students from Fairbridge TAFE join LandcareSJ NRM Officers revegatating Korribinjal in Serpeentine Jarrahdale.   Jayne Lavender and students from the Conservation course have been involved since 2019.   A general site tidy up was completed and 80 seedlings planted.

Landcare SJ Partners With Murdoch to Keep Carnaby’s Flying

Ngoolarks, or Carnaby’s cockatoos, have connected Noongar families for thousands of years, but with development pressures we are in danger of losing them forever. Landcare SJ is proud to partner with Murdoch University, with support from Lotterywest, to launch Keep Carnaby’s Flying – Ngoolarks Forever, a community empowerment program that will see researchers, Aboriginal organisations, […]

child planting at Gooralong Brook, Jarrahdale

How to help your local environment in Serpentine Jarrahdale

  Do you have some spare time and would like to help in your local community? Then how about becoming involved as an environmental volunteer in the Serpentine Jarrahdale area. Landcare SJ helps to support a number of environmentally focused volunteer community groups working locally who are looking for new members. All groups are very friendly with no pressure on how much or how little […]

Great Cocky Count Workshops in 2023

The Great Cocky Count is a citizen science survey, the biggest single survey for black-cockatoos in Western Australia. Held on a single evening in autumn. Volunteers monitor known roost sites and count black-cockatoos as they come in to roost for the evening.   Great Cocky Count workshops are held at a number of locations around Perth […]