Landcare SJ has been involved with this project since 2014, through implementation of on-ground actions in the ‘Upper Serpentine’ of the Peel-Harvey catchment. Final reporting has just been completed, with lots of achievements throughout the Region, thanks to the Federal Government funding that has been filtered down through the Peel-Harvey Catchment Council. In SJ alone:
- 4.3km fencing to protect waterways from stock.
- Trapping of feral pests in 1600ha bushland.
- 17ha weed control in natural areas containing waterways and bushland.
- 8ha revegetation, to improve the health and resilience of natural areas associated with waterways.
- 3 riffles installed – 2 on the Serpentine River and 1 on the Karnup Creek, to slow down water flow and create in-stream habitat.
- 4 off-stream watering points to remove stock from a waterway.
- Seed collected in 42ha bushland and stored in a seedbank for future revegetation projects.
- Installation of 4 artificial nest boxes in breeding areas of black cockatoo species.
11 events and field days on various topics such as feral animal trapping, property planning, and black cockatoos.On the 11 October, Landcare SJ staff joined other project partners of Rivers 2 Ramsar at a celebration event in Dwellingup, which showcased the impressive on ground outcomes that occurred across the whole region thanks to this project.