The Black Cockatoo Project

Our Aims :

Halt the alarming decline in the numbers of cockatoos by supplementing their nesting sites—natural hollows in trees–that are being increasingly lost in the natural environment due to urbanisation and land clearing.

Involve and educate the wider community


15 years ago we designed  an artificial nesting box that would provide the Black Cockatoos with an alternative, replicating as closely as possible the conditions they choose in their natural habitat.

We called it the COCKATUBE ®.



The COCKATUBE ® is now used extensively throughout South Western Australia by DPAW, WA Museum, Birdlife Australia, Catchment groups, local governments, schools, universities, Government agencies and private landowners for over 10 years. The design reflects research recommendations and natural hollow habitat to ensure optimum breeding conditions.


two black cockatoos above a cockatube

two men preparing artificial nest boxes for shipment to Victoria

Carnaby's Cockatoo sitting on top of a Landcare SJ Cockatube ( artificial hollow)

Two Carnaby's Black Cockatoo eggs in Cockatube, chick emerging from one egg

photo Rick Dawson