Harvey River new trial for Globably Recognised Endemic Hotspot

Marron – More than a Meal

Landcare SJ staff attended the Harvey River Stakeholder workshop in October. The meeting shared details of a new trial established on a section of the Harvey River Main Drain. The south west of Western Australia is a globally recognised endemic hotspot. It contains the highest proportion of endemic fishes and crayfishes in Australia. Loss of suitable aquatic habitat through extensive modifications of the Harvey River has resulted in significant losses of aquatic fauna. The trial will examine the effects of habitat creation through log placement for the rivers aquatic fauna. A focus has been placed on marron (Cherax cainii), an aquatic icon.

Guests were welcomed to Country with a smoking ceremony and dance performance by Theo Kearing and his son. A site tour, headed by Tim Storer (Department of Water and Environmental Regulation) discussed the scope of the project. Attendees were able to observe the significant work being undertaken first hand while discussing the project.

Aboriginal man performing smoking ceremony at Harvey River with girl looking on

section of harvey river

Logs have been strategically placed in a section of the river at specific angles to direct water flow. The logs are placed to create natural depressions in the riverbed as well as safe havens at the river’s edge. Habitats are being carefully created to provide year round protection and connectivity for the rivers aquatic life.

Additional project information was presented in Harvey. Talks included design elements; Harvey River hydraulic modelling; freshwater fish importance; key threats and Marron-More than a Meal baseline survey. The day concluded with Harvey River Restoration Taskforce (HRRT) community engagement activities. The HRRT promote the importance and benefits of improving waterway and habitat connectivity within the Harvey River catchment. Locals who have lived along the river for many years told moving stories of the significance of the Harvey River.


The trial is being conducted through a multi-agency partnership. Murdoch University, Harvey River Restoration Task Force, Greening Australia/Alcoa Foundation, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Peel-Harvey Catchment Council. Further information on the project can be found through following the link https://www.greeningaustralia.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Marron-more-than-a-meal-FINAL-REPORT5th-July-compressed.pdf.

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