Feral animals caught on private property in Serpentine
This $42,000 grant from NRM WA is coming to an end after more than 3 years of feral animal control activities on public and private land:
- More than 1600 baits laid during 6 subsidised baiting seasons at optimum times of the year; also to encourage landholders to bait at the same time to increase baiting effectiveness.
- Trapping carried out by a contractor in 6 bushland reserves.
- Traps purchased – 4 cage traps, and 37 soft jaw traps (equates to 12 semi-permanent trapping sites).
- 4 workshops held for land owners, including demonstrations of soft jaw trapping (an alternative to baiting).
- Survey of baiters during spring 2016, quantifying 197ha of baiting, covering a buffer area of 54,000ha – in one season of baiting alone.
Additional $42,000 contribution cash and in-kind from Waroona Landcare Centre, Local Government Agencies, Dept of Agriculture, Peel-Harvey Catchment Council, community groups, and landholders.

Trapping demonstration at Myara Brook