Threatened Ecological Communities – More Quadrats

Officer from Landcare SJ setting up flora quadrat at Serpentine , Western Australia

Threatened Ecological Communities (TEC) More Quadrats


One of the four newly funded grants from the Peel-Harvey Catchment Council, focussed on improvement of Threatened Ecological Communities.

Another 2 flora quadrats were set up by Landcare SJ officers on a private property in Serpentine.

The recipients of this particular grant have significant areas of veldt grass in their bushland.

photos of veldt grass


They are also members of the Healthy Habitats Program, which is contributing to the project financially as well as providing ongoing advice and support to the landowners.

The owners helped to set up the monitoring sites on Saturday and will continue to do that along with follow up weed control.


TEC funding covers the cost of the initial contracted weed control.

More information about Veldt Grass





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