Catchment Council offers funding support for feral pig control

The Peel-Harvey Catchment Council is offering landowners support in feral pig management by offering grant funding to cover the cost of on-site trapping.

Feral Pigs in the Peel-Harvey region

The Peel-Harvey Catchment Council (PHCC) is working closely with stakeholders to control feral pigs across the Peel-Harvey Catchment. PHCC is offering grant funding to help reduce the agricultural burden resulting from the damage feral pigs cause to soil, crops and pastures, as well as the impacts of damaged infrastructure, stock losses and diseases carried by feral pigs, along with reducing their impacts on our native biodiversity.

The PHCC is working with the community, including farming entities and landcare groups, to support an increased adoption of sustainable practice change across their landholdings. The adoption of sustainable management policies can increase the health and resilience of the agricultural landscape, and reduce the environmental impact of historical agricultural practices.

If feral pigs are impacting your property then you may wish to submit an expression of interest for feral pig control to be undertaken on your property. Please refer to the “Peel-Harvey Feral Pig Control for Landholders Guidelines” to determine if you are interested and eligible. If so, please complete this expression of interest form.


Please read these Guidelines to determine if your proposed project aligns with the eligibility criteria. As National Landcare Program conditions apply to this project it is highly recommended that before submitting an EOI you discuss the proposal in detail with PHCC’s Luke Rogers on 6369 8800 or at

Works can be undertaken on public or private land, within the Peel-Harvey Catchment, roughly consisting of the Shires of Boddington, Harvey, Williams, Murray, Wandering, Cuballing, Waroona, Mandurah, Serpentine Jarrahdale and Rockingham.

Grant Details
Successful applicants will be provided with the services of a licenced feral pig removal contractor engaged by PHCC. The licenced contractor will arrange to undertake feral pig control on successful applicants’ landholdings. The level of effort will be dependant on the contractors advice for the specific property, and there is no guarantee that any or all feral pigs on the landholding will be removed.

– Successful applicants will be required to provide access to their property to allow pig trapping to be undertaken by the licenced contractor.
– All outcomes will be shared with successful applicants.
– Applications close Monday 6th November 2017.
– All activities must be undertaken within the Peel-Harvey Catchment.
– All projects must be completed by 30th March 2018.

This opportunity is funded through the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program to support local communities and landholders to adopt sustainable practice change across their landholdings, in accordance with the Peel-Harvey’s NRM Strategy – Bindjareb Boodja Landscapes 2025 and National Landcare Program objectives.

National Landcare Programme Logo

To register

These grants are open to all landowners, including individual landowners, government agencies and private industry.

Community groups who look after or manage land are also welcome to apply, however they will need landowner permission to undertake the proposed activities, and therefore it may be easier to request the landowner apply directly. If a community group with landowner permission would like to apply, then please note groups must be incorporated. Where groups are not incorporated and/or do not have an ABN they must seek sponsorship from an incorporated group or Local Government.

Where individuals apply they must own the property, or have the written permission of the landowner on which works will be undertaken.


To get your copy of the guidelines and application form email PHCC’s

Luke Rogers or phone  6369 8800 

Peel - Harvey Catchment Council logo.

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