Fox Control Workshop

Fox Control Workshop  24th May 2019

This workshop is aimed at all landholder sizes with information on trapping. the workshop will also showcase 1080 products and include information on accreditation and training requirements.
Eddie Juras is an experienced feral animal trapper and will be demonstrating the use of soft jaw traps. Eddie uses a system of three soft jaw traps in a triangular fashion with free feeding in the centre to great effect. This method represents a trapping option for those on smaller landholdings that may have tried cage traps previously.

An officer from the Department of Primary Industries and Regional development will be showcasing the different 1080 products landholders can use in their efforts to control feral foxes.

With funding through the pest rate, the PHBG can offer permit subsidies for landholders in our operational area.

Landholders traditionally exempt from 1080 permits can combine properties to reach the minimum land size for a permit as long as the combined properties met all requirements of the code of practice plus demonstrate how the increased risks are being managed and or planned for.

Please contact the Group on if you are planning to apply or renew your 1080 accreditation.

feral fox

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