Water hyacinth on the Birega Drain and Serpentine River

Watch this space!

Water hyacinth on the Birega Drain and Serpentine River

 Do you remember this time last year when you helped analyse more than 8000 online aerial images to determine the location of water hyacinth along the Birega Drain and Serpentine River? Check out the map that your eagle eyes helped to produce, and start limbering up for more photos coming your way!

Aerial mud map of the Water Hyacinth in the Birega Drain

Later in March, members of the Serpentine Jarrahdale community will once again be invited to help search for the water hyacinth, which is classified as a Weed of National Significance due to its invasiveness. As with the previous 2 years, this will be done from personal computers by individuals viewing images on a central website, taken by a camera mounted on a helicopter.

Each photo equates to a location on the ground and is assessed as having the weed or not.

Land Managers looking after the areas where the infestations occur have been working hard to eradicate the weed, and this is ongoing. The mapping is vital in knowing exactly where the weed is and what impact that control methods are having.

Landcare SJ is hosting a meeting to bring together the relevant land managers, and other stakeholders, to ensure that everyone is working effectively and knows what their neighbours are doing, including what methods have and haven’t worked.

Water Hyacinth in Keralup

Water hyacinth covering the water surface of the Serpentine river

For further information please contact Landcare SJ on 9526 0012 or email kristy@landcaresj.com.au

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