LARGE ANIMAL RESCUE – book now as limited places
‘The WA Horse Council’s AR3 Masterclass will be held at the State Equestrian Centre, on Tuesday 29th and Wednesday 30th May and will be presented by Anton Phillips from the United Kingdom, a world leader in Large Animal Rescue training. Anton is one of three Animal Rescue Specialists who worked with the Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service (HFRS) and he was the catalyst to develop the UK’s first specialist Animal Rescue Team, which has enabled the UK Fire and Rescue Service achieve safer working practices. Large Animal Rescue is recognised as one of the most dangerous activities a firefighter will be engaged in, and the HFRS specialist team leads the world in animal rescue work. A highlight of the Masterclass will be the extensive practical sessions over the two days where course participants will work with the rescue training mannequin in a variety of rescue scenarios. For the first time in Western Australia a large animal rescue Refresher Day will be held on Thursday 31st May. This Refresher is open to anyone who attended Anton’s 2017 course, either of MaryAnne Leighton from QLD courses or any other recognized Large Animal Rescue training. Registration forms will be out shortly on the WA Horse Council’s contact list and also the Facebook page and as numbers are limited, it is essential to register early’. For more information email: Diane Bennit PROGRAM FOR ANTON PHILLIPS 2018 WAHC AR3 MASTERCLASS – MAY 29/30th PROGRAM FOR ANTON PHILLIPS AR3 MASTERCLASS – 29th & 30th May 2018 Day 1 12.30 – 13.30 Lunch • Restraining and moving animals / physical restraints • Practical manual manipulation rescue techniques Day 2 Scenarios and solutions – covered in the morning session mud horse float, overturned float ditches fire transport cattle grids Practical exercises – practiced in the afternoon session Mechanical Vertical Lifting for rescue, medical suspension and hobbled lift using both service and non-service equipment Righting an overturned horse float exercise |
WA Horse Council LARGE ANIMAL RESCUE – book now as limited places
Posted in Equine Landcare, Equine Landcare special feature and tagged Equine Landcare, horses, Landcare SJ.