More than 77 people attended National Tree Day Community Planting at Madejal Brook Reserve on 31st July. 1000 local native seedlings were planted. These will provide forage and habitat for the three species of endangered and threatened iconic Western Australian black cockatoos, Carnaby, Baudin and Forest Red-tails. Our thanks go to Landcare SJ, Bendigo Bank, Shire […]
Tag Archives: National tree day
Arnold Road, Serpentine gets National Tree Day revamp.
The 2018 Landcare SJ National Tree Day Celebration was held at a drainage basin on Arnold RD, Serpentine on the 29th July. The clouds threatened, but the day was cool and clear for planters who turned up at 9 am to support the annual event and the children’s workshops from Waste Is My Resource was a great hit once all […]
National Tree Day takes aim at Serpentine drainage basin
The annual Landcare SJ National Tree Day Celebration will take place at a drainage basin on Arnold RD, Serpentine on the 29th July. Close to the Serpentine Primary School, the drainage basin is part of the relatively new Serpentine Downs Estate and represents a great opportunity to change an underutilised basin into a natural site for residents […]
Scouts swap tent pegs for tree stakes at National Tree Day
The 2017 Landcare SJ National Tree Day Celebration was held at the Byford scout hall on July 30th. The scouts turned up enthusiastically swapping tent pegs for tree stakes as they planted native seedlings and then guarded them against the local kangaroo population. Over 100 people turned up on the chilly, but sunny morning, to […]
National Tree Day Preparation
On Friday 16th June Byford Enviro-link helped Kristy Gregory from Landcare SJ prepare this year’s National Tree Day site at the Byford Scount Hall in Byford, The team cleared weeds that had not died from spraying including bridal weed and invasive eastern states wattles. Old tree guards were removed and rubbish collected.
National Tree Day at Gooralong Brook
On Sunday 31st July 65 people confronted the windy, rainy and cold weather to plant 2500 seedlings. It was great to see so many kids dragging their mums, dads and grandparents down to the creek to plant the sedge species, then running back for more trays of seedlings. The mist and rain only […]