Tag Archives: cockatubes
Byford sculpture recognises Landcare SJ’s contribution to saving Black Cockatoos
Pictures of the installation of the black cockatoo sculpture. It is yet to be painted. The sculpture has been commissioned by the Byford Progress Association to recognise Landcare SJ’s contribution to saving this iconic threatened species by the development of our artificial nest boxes – the Cockatube ®. Sculptor, Lens Zuks with his latest addition […]
Cockatoos in the Classroom
The 2018 Great Cocky Count Birdlife Australia- The Great Cocky Count is a long-term citizen science survey and the biggest single survey for black-cockatoos in Western Australia. On one night in autumn, volunteers monitor known roost sites and count black-cockatoos as they come in to their evening roosts. Records submitted from across the southwest provide […]
Measuring NRM Success – Project Update
State NRM Project 2016, CCGL15461: MEASURING NRM SUCCESSES IN SERPENTINE JARRAHDALE. Read all about the latest news on this project as written by project officer Sarah Way- Since commencing with Landcare at the end of May, Sarah has been systematically reviewing all Landcare’s project data from 2007 through to the present. Not surprisingly, Landcare’s […]
Help conserve native wildlife. New artificial nest box design.
Artificial nest boxes are becoming increasingly important in wildlife conservation as more trees are cleared and natural nesting hollows are not available. We can help by planting more trees but whilst we are waiting for tree hollows to form we can install nest boxes. Landcare member Alan Elliott has been busy working on the design […]
Cockatube Artificial Hollows Help Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo Recovery
Monitoring the effectiveness of the Landcare SJ COCKATUBE ® at a Black Cockatoo breeding site. Alan, Neil and Francis, from LandcareSJ, visited the Department of Parks and Wildlife trial site north of Cataby. They were assisting DAFWA Senior Wildlife Officer, Rick Dawson, to monitor natural and artificial hollows. Monitoring the site includes weighing, measuring and […]
Carnaby’s black cockatoo numbers ‘increase dramatically’ with artificial hollows
Artificial nesting hollows are helping revive the numbers of the critically endangered Carnaby’s black cockatoo, after it lost part of its breeding heartland to bushfire in Western Australia.
Landcare SJ Cockatubes – Hope for Carnaby’s Black Cockatoos
Hope for Carnaby’s Black Cockatoos. Rick Dawson said it all “The best Landcare night I have ever attended”. It was truly a great night, a champagne event done on a beer budget. The MC Francis Smit, introduced community mascot Carnaby Bill for photo opportunities, local elder George Walley to welcome guests to country, David Lindsay, […]
Landcare SJ Cockatubes helping to save Carnaby’s Cockatoos
101 Cockatubes have been installed across WA by the Department of parks and Wildlife. These artificial nesting hollows have been designed and built by Landcare SJ and volunteers.