Putting on a brand new event is always a bit of a worry, you never know how popular it might be.
The forecasted rain also didn’t help emotions.
However, the first Landcare SJ Native Garden Expo was well attended with 60 people attending the very sunny 9 am- 2 pm event.
Presentations from Beyond Gardens, BirdLife Australia, the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale and Australian Native Nursery were well received by residents.
Children who attended were spoilt for choice between the plant label workshop and the bottle spinner workshop. All made from recycled materials and run by Waste is My Resource, the workshops added another level to the event and it was great to see the children learn about recycling and get involved.
The trailer from the Australian Native Nursery was at the event to provide native seedlings for purchase, these also came in handy as props for the presentations.
The Native Garden Expo was used to inspire property owners in the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale to plant native seedlings on their verge as part of the Free Verge Plant Program.
This program offers free native seedlings to residents in the Shire to plant along their verge.
Native verges provide important food and shelter to our native animals, reduce weeds, are water-wise and low maintenance, and can attract a huge array of birdlife.
Residents can apply four times and can also apply for herbicide, to prepare the verge area and remove weeds before planting.
Residents of the Shire can apply through an online application from here.
Then all you have to do is pick up your allocation from the Australian Native Nursery before October 2018.
Thanks to all those involved in the Native Garden Expo, support for the event was provided by Switch your Thinking and the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale.
See pictures below.