Shire invests in cool, shady, liveable suburbs with Urban Forest Strategy

The Shire is in the process of preparing an Urban Forest Strategy to guide the Shire in creating cool, shady, liveable suburbs where suitable trees are kept and more planted. Urbaqua, land and water solutions,  has been contracted by the Shire to prepare the Urban Forest Strategy and will be running  workshops.

There is also a survey created to capture the community’s opinion on trees – please take the time to read the following information, take the survey and attend the following events.


What do you think about trees? Have your say!

We are seeking your thoughts on some of the values, issues and opportunities for creation of the Shire’s Urban Forest. Please take the time to complete this survey -it should only take 5 minutes.

Please click here or paste the following address into your browser


It would be appreciated if you could forward this message to others in your organisation or within the SJ community who may be interested.

What is an Urban Forest Strategy?

An Urban Forest is all the trees and other plants in an area, and an Urban Forest Strategy provides a pathway for achieving and managing the Urban Forest for the benefit of the entire community.

An Urban Forest provides many benefits, which can be economic, environmental or for the community.


Want to participate further? Attend our workshop series

Two community workshops will be held to help develop the Urban Forest Strategy.

  • Workshop 1: Values and Opportunities is being held on Tuesday 27 February, commencing with light refreshments at 6.30pm at Byford Central Hall, 39 Portwine Ave, Byford WA 6122, concluding around 8.30pm
  • Workshop 2: Concepts and Options – Wednesday 11 April 2018, 6.30 – 8.30pm, Venue TBA

If you would like to attend this workshop series (it would be great if the same people attend both workshops), please register your interest here

Or paste this website link which will take you to Eventbrite to register


It is anticipated that the Draft Urban Forest Strategy will be released for advertising in May 2018.

Further information is available on the Shire’s website here


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