Over the past few months, Landcare SJ in partnership with the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale has coordinated the 2020 Free Verge Plant Program.
The Free Verge Plant Program adds to the Shire of SJ’s Urban and Rural Forest Strategy – which aims at improving tree canopy and vegetation coverage within the shire.
An increase to vegetation in both rural and urban areas will have a number of benefits, such as an increase in biodiversity, sequestering carbon from the atmosphere, combatting heat sinks – providing cooler liveable residential areas as well as increasing property values.
This year’s Free Verge Plant Program has seen 7455 seedlings allocated across 17 kilometres of verge throughout the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale. That’s a seedling every 2.3meters from the town centre of Mundijong to the city centre of Armadale!
Please note that the 2020 Serpentine Jarrahdale Free Verge Plants program is now fully subscribed.