Restoration of Gooralong Brook, Jarrahdale




The Jarrahdale Heritage Society and Landcare SJ, with significant funding through the State NRM Program, have been carrying out environmental restoration works along Gooralong Brook since 2013.

Successful weed removal and revegetation has so far been undertaken in an area between Jarrahdale Rd and the Mill Managers House. The next stage of the restoration project will extend these activities to the Old Mill.


stream running through bushland

bushland infested with weeds


Over time the creek line has become overgrown with invasive and introduced weed species such as black wattle. The density of these woody weeds are negatively impacting on the natural vegetation and native wildlife. The black wattle is also a major concern due to the fuel load creating a significant fire hazard.

The project will see the removal of the invasive weeds and the reintroduction of the local plant community. Native vegetation will be planted to represent what is naturally found in the valleys of the Jarrah Forest, and also those species that are of low flammability. This will help restore the habitat and food source for local fauna species including the Endangered and Vulnerable WA Forest Black Cockatoos.




Stage 1 of the project will be the mechanical removal of the black wattle and lantana, which will begin in April 2021.

Stage 2 will be ongoing weed control using some herbicide application by a contractor and also manual removal by volunteers. A community planting day will be held on RUOK Day in September 2021.

This project is a partnership between Landcare SJ, Jarrahdale Heritage Society and National Trust and supported by funding from the Western Australian Government’s State NRM Program.

gravel pathway surrounded by western Australian bushland

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