North Dandalup Primary School Helping Wildlife

Landcare SJ have been planting along Beau Sovereign Drive with North Dandalup Primary School for the past 8 years.

A 1km wildlife corridor has been created connecting the vegetation along Readheads Rd to the North Dandalup River.

children planting along a road

The unsealed road reserve is surrounded by beef paddocks and so is an important conduit for native fauna species.

Having started at the northern-most section, we are now at the south end of the road, with a few more years of planting to make it all the way to the river and fill any gaps along the length of the corridor.

children planting along a road

The whole school helped out on the day, with a number of parent helpers as well as teachers. The North Dandalup Primary School is like a well-oiled machine with pre-organised planting groups and student leaders for each group. We are always impressed with how the older kids help out the younger ones. This is reflective of a strong mentoring ethos at the school.

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