Landcare SJ says au revoir to Chris Kennedy

Today, 18th December, is the last day of the project that Chris Kennedy has been coordinating, ‘Measuring NRM Success in SJ’, funded by the State NRM Program. Chris has completed the huge task that Sarah Way began back in May 2017 – to draw together the past 10 years of Landcare SJ project information into databases that we can use into the future. Most of you saw a fantastic statistical 10 year summary during the presentation that was given before the Christmas party.

man giving presentaion to Landcare SJ

A 10 year summary of Landcare Projects in SJ

a man weeding rail reserve in Serpentine Jarrahdale

Pulling out weeds at the Paterson St Rail Reserve Project site

Thanks to Chris for his hard work, patience, and efficiency with completing a very large project. In a short amount of time, he has become very familiar with all of our projects, and the on-ground history of Landcare SJ. We managed to give him some well-needed variation from data-crunching throughout the planting season; and I couldn’t have done without him during the time that Francis has been away. He has been particularly helpful with our recent rush of Cockatube orders!

two men preparing artificial nest boxes for shipment to Victoria

Cockatube order for shipment to Victoria

We wish Chris all the best and hope that he will be part of the Landcare team in the future.

a man rescuing a possum

Rescuing a possum from the fireplace (for the third time)!!

4 women and one man  standing in bushland in Serpentine

Planting on the river with the Serpentine Enviro Group

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