Shire of Murray and Landcare SJ Landcare Drop-In Sessions
On Monday October 5th the Shire of Murray and Landcare SJ once again held the monthly Landcare Drop-in Session at the Court House, Pinjarra. These sessions are designed to assist landowners and land managers with information on all things land care.
On display were a variety of live weeds to aid with local weed identification and enquiries. Information on weed control was available, as well as a take home brochure ‘Weed it Out’ which lists common weeds, photo identification and control methods.
Free information booklets were also available to take home including the ‘Peel Harvey Landcare Landscapes’ booklet which is full of information on different soil types and property planning, the booklet ‘Keeping it Local’ a guide of local native species, and ‘The Land Is In Your Hands’ booklet, a practical guide for owners of small rural landholdings.
The next Landcare Drop-In session will be held on Monday October 26th from 10 am until 2.30 pm at The Court House in Pinjarra, so please feel free to drop-in with any land care enquires.