Landcare SJ celebrated Schools’ National Tree Day with Jarrahdale Primary School on July 27th.
The children planted local native seedlings at the Gooralong Brook.
Sedges were put in along the creek line to replace the weeds that have been removed over the past several seasons. We are pleased to see natural regeneration also occurring within the Gooralong Bk valley.
The seedlings planted over the past 3 seasons are doing well. More plant species will be put in the ground on Sunday at the big National Tree Day event.
The area that was planted with the school children today is ‘overlooked’ by the beautiful Old Mill Manager’s House.
The house is a reminder of the timber milling history of the valley side by side with the aim to restore the Brook to its pre-European vegetation!

Old Mill Manager’s House at Gooralong Brook, Jarrahdale