Jarrahdale Heritage Society (JHS) long ago adopted the Goorolong Brook and have worked tirelessly to transform it from an overrun site covered in black wattles to a thriving native water course complete with walk path.
In 2016 funding of $15,000 was provided by the State NRM Office for restoration of a 400m reach of the Gooralong brook in Jarrahdale between the Old Mill Managers House and the Fjord crossing at Jarrahdale road. This project represents a partnership with the Jarrahdale Heritage Society and National Trust (WA).

Burning off the removed black wattle at Goorolong Brook, Jarrahdale.

Present day Goorolong Brook where 1000 new native seedlings have been planted.
The aims of the Jarrahdale Heritage Society are to-
[perfectpullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””].. stimulate public interest in and support for the preservation of historical relics, including buildings and sites in and around the town of Jarrahdale, by, inter alia, maintaining a public museum and by conducting guided heritage walks for the general public.[/perfectpullquote]
The JHS also provided guided walks in and around Jarrahdale as well as walk trail maps. You can find out about upcoming walks and download area walk maps at their website. Follow this link to check it out.
Last Friday the group was at it again planting 1000 seedlings, including sedges for along the brook, the rain held off for the planting meaning smiles all round. Helped by Byford EnviroLink and enthusiastic community members this site is almost unrecognizable from what it was.
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Would you like to know when our next planting day is? Check out the Byford and Districts Community Branch Planting Calendar for upcoming events.