The National Trust of WA held a weeding day at Gooralong Brook in Jarrahdale on a beautiful October spring day.
Supported by the Jarrahdale Heritage Society and Landcare SJ, volunteers came from far and wide to lend a hand. Volunteers attended the day ready to chip in, get their hands dirty and help continue on-ground restoration work.
Current restoration works are being achieved through Jarrahdale Heritage Society and Landcare SJ with funding from the State NRM program.
Targeted weeds included Juncus microcephalus, fumaria, blackberry and bulbous weeds which were removed by hand, bagged and taken off site.
The Jarrahdale Heritage Society and National Trust provided a delicious morning tea and lunch. Meals were held in the historic grounds of the old post-office, a lovely setting for the group to come together.
A bit of work, a lot of fun and good people made for a very productive day.