The 2018 Great Cocky Count
Birdlife Australia-
The Great Cocky Count is a long-term citizen science survey and the biggest single survey for black-cockatoos in Western Australia. On one night in autumn, volunteers monitor known roost sites and count black-cockatoos as they come in to their evening roosts. Records submitted from across the southwest provide a snapshot of black-cockatoo populations, and over time this has helped quantify the changes in black-cockatoo numbers.
2017 Results
On Sunday 9th April 2017 volunteers as part of the Great Cocky Count (GCC) recorded 17,457 white-tailed black-cockatoos across the species range, which is the highest total number recorded in GCC history. A single roost in a pine plantation east of Yanchep recorded 3,528 Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoos. There was also 2,989 Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoos recorded at 95 occupied roosts.
The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale is a great spot for spotting black cockatoos.
The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale is a hotspot for our endemic black cockatoos: the Forest Red Tailed Black Cockatoo and the Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo. You can help provide essential information about numbers and habits by registering for this year’s GCC.
Register to monitor a site
To become involved you can visit the Birdlife Australia webpage and register to monitor a roost site, there are several hundreds of sites to be monitored so there’s one close to you! If you already have a roosting site you know of then you can report it to be added to the list.
Let all your friends and family know
Share information on the GCC on social media and through your networks to increase the amount of roosting sites that can be monitored on the night. In 2017 the GCC saw the highest participation rate since it began, with 894 volunteers surveying 469 roost sites across the southwest. Let’s break the record again!
Landcare SJ
Landcare SJ is hosting a black cockatoo event at the Serpentine Jarrahdale Community Resource Centre, in Mundijong on Wednesday February 28th at 6:30pm.
As part of the event Birdlife Australia will present on how to register to become a part of the 2018 GCC and give instructions and tips on how to identify and count the birds during the event.
There will also be a photographic presentation by teacher Darren Hamley on his expedition to photograph every species of black cockatoo across Australia. Aided by his students at Willetton Senior High School, Darren planned out the trip; taking into account the weather, equipment, camping needs, and best locations, to capture the 14 different species of black cockatoo on his camera.
Darren will also present on a student designed solar powered surveillance system to monitor nesting black cockatoos in cockatubes, the artificial nesting boxes designed and manufactured by Landcare SJ.
RSVP to or (08) 9526 0012 by February 21st for catering purposes.
Cockatoos in the Classroom
An Australian Wide Black Cockatoo Expedition
Date: Wednesday, February 28th
Time: 6:30pm
Venue: Serpentine Jarrahdale Community Resource Centre, 2 Paterson St, Mundijong.
Bookings Essential: Book your spot via email or (08) 9526 0012
RSVP by February 21st to avoid missing out.
This event is supported by; the Peel Harvey Catchment Council through funding from the Commonwealth Government’s National Landcare Programme, the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale, and Birdlife Australia.