plant guards in a paddock after a planting event

Native vegetation protected within the Paul Robinson Reserve.

This year Landcare SJ was able to secure funding for a project to protect native vegetation within the Paul Robinson Reserve. The Paul Robinson Reserve sits within the Serpentine Sports Reserve and is utilised by the Serpentine Pony Club as part of their cross-country course. It is estimated the grounds have 10,000 visits by equine […]

team of workers chipping invasive trees Black Wattle

Weedy wood removed along Gooralong brook

The Jarrahdale Heritage Society with support from Landcare SJ are continuing with the removal of black wattle along Gooralong Brook in Jarrahdale. Last month the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale helped support the project through its contribution of a hard working crew and chipper machine to cut and mulch a further section of the woody weed. […]

Restoration of Gooralong Brook, Jarrahdale

      The Jarrahdale Heritage Society and Landcare SJ, with significant funding through the State NRM Program, have been carrying out environmental restoration works along Gooralong Brook since 2013. Successful weed removal and revegetation has so far been undertaken in an area between Jarrahdale Rd and the Mill Managers House. The next stage of […]

burchardia plant flowering

Mundijong Rd Planting Season 2020

Report by Reece Jerret, LandcareSJ Natural Resource Management Officer Whilst the 2020 planting season has come to an end, it doesn’t mean we’re finished with our planting sites until next season. Sue and Reece have been busy in the second half of September returning to past planting sites along Mundijong Road to see how the […]

two women in bushland holding spades

20 years of community plantings at Myara Brook

  ‘Last Friday, the Landcare SJ team was joined by the Keysbrook Community Group and Byford Envirolink to plant 500 native seedlings at Keysbrook Park and the ‘Old School’. This year’s planting has added another layer of biodiversity to the planting site. There have been successive planting events at the site since the year 2000. […]

school children planting seedlings in bushland

Local kids delight in Schools Tree Day in Federation Park

Forty children and their parents came together to plant 1,500 sedges and shrubs to enhance habitat for threatened Carnaby’s Black Cockatoos and Red-tailed Black Cockatoos along the Serpentine River to mark Schools Tree Day on Friday 27 July. Children from Byford Childcare Centre, local homeschoolers, Eton Farm Education, and some local primary school students were […]

Landcare SJ Planting Calendar for 2020

The 2020 Landcare SJ planting season starts soon. Landcare SJ is always ready to welcome new volunteers. There are many groups that look after a piece of bushland throughout Serpentine Jarrahdale and would love your help.

Byford gets a new park

Byford Enviro-link watered the plants in Granfell St and Marchant Way and also the new park proposed to be called Marri Tree Park this morning. Council has agreed to the name and this request is being progressed through government channels.