Byford Envirolink tackle lovegrass on Soldiers Road

Throughout the last year, Byford Envirolink has been carrying out conservation works along Soldiers Road between Cardup and Byford. Currently, roadworks are being conducted along Soldiers Road in parts of the same area in which the conservation works are planned.

However, this hasn’t slowed the group down!  In just one morning this hardworking team of volunteers managed to manually remove this large pile of African Lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula). The grass was originally introduced to Australia as a pasture species, however, it subsequently spread into surrounding bushlands and road reserves. Forming dense thickets and mats, out-competing native understory flora species.

Follow up control will be carried out over the coming seasons to exhaust the seed bank. Endemic understory flora species will also be planted in these areas to bolster the biodiversity in the remnant native vegetation. This conservation work is aimed at protecting the Flora Road status of Soldiers Road.

tree women and one man , volunteers standing behind a pile of lovegrass on Soliers Road, Byford

If you’d like to join the Byford Enviolink, please contact Landcare SJ via

Posted in Latest News.