Peel Bright Minds ESTEAM Awards

Congratulations to Steve Fisher who has won the Science Communicator of the Year award at the recent Peel Bright Minds ESTEAM Awards night.

Steve Fisher

Science communicator of the year award recognises researchers or science practitioners that show outstanding engagement with, or communication to, the community in Peel. The award was sponsored by John Lambrecht.

Peel Bright Minds posted this bio when Steve was nominated as a finalist for the award.

Steve Fisher is Peel-Harvey Catchment Council‘s Science Advisor, who enthuses young and old about the importance of our Region’s environment and how we can better protect it for the future. Since 2015, he has gone well beyond his formal role to engage with community groups, support school environmental science programs and connect the community with researchers.

Steve loves to share his knowledge about watery science, the Peel-Harvey Estuary, rivers, and the wildlife that abounds in these environments, always with his plain-English communication style. He has played a key role in raising the community’s awareness on science and land management through various talks and events, school excursions, magazine articles, and radio interviews through his role at PHCC and as a volunteer with Peel Bright Minds. 


Landcare SJ have always appreciated the breadth of knowledge Steve has on the watery sciences and look forward to working with him into the future.

Well done to all finalists and award winners.

To read a full recap of the event check out the Peel Bright Minds Newsletter.



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