NEW Funding Received for Dieback Control

Peel-Harvey Catchment Council Community Environment Grant Round 2

Spraying phosphide on to control dieback

Foliar Spray for dieback control.

Dieback Treatment on Private Land

Three large areas of privately owned native vegetation will benefit from grant funding through the Peel-Harvey Catchment Council’s Community Environment Grant. The grant will be used to treat 3870m of Phytophthora dieback disease front, which will protect 142ha of bushland from infestation by the water mould that attacks more than 3000 of our local species in SW WA. The bushland sites contain 3 Threatened Ecological Communities, including the newly listed Banksia woodland.

Dieback treatment will begin imminently, and photo monitoring will be used throughout the project as a record of activities and results. The treatment involves the stem injection and foliar spray of susceptible species along the active disease edge (‘front’) within a 20m buffer of the front.

This activity also involves mapping of the front, to pick up fresh deaths and changes to the location of the infestation over subsequent treatment efforts.

Photo monitoring point at the dieback front on private land.

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