$5000 Grant for Revegetation of Soldiers Road Verge.

A $5,000 grant was awarded to the Byford Progress Association for revegetation of the Soldiers Road verge where members have removed love grass and watsonia over the last 15 months.

This road reserve is one of the most beautiful examples of local flora stretching from Byford to Mundijong.   There is also  a walk trail adjacent to the road, to greater appreciate the smaller species, particularly orchids.

“The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale would like to be listed as a Wildflower Destination by Tourism WA, because many of our road reserves, right throughout the Shire are truly some of the best in the State.  One requirement is for a community group to be enhancing a wildflower road reserve and we took up the challenge,” Byford Progress Association President, Colleen Rankin said.  “The State Government grant was crucial to achieve our goal and it was great to have our local Member of Parliament, Hugh Jones, not only backing our grant application, but coming along to help with the planting.”

men and women standing infront of a ute holding seedlings


The $5,000 grant is to be spent over 21/22 and we have just planted 400 native plants paid for by the grant with another 500 to go in from the SJ Shire.


There is some incursion of weeds into the original quality bushland which will be sprayed in September.


When we have planted and sprayed again next year, a sign will be erected recognising contributors to the project and describing the flora.

Photos by Colleen Rankin

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