Photo by Jules Hawk
There are opportunities to better manage native animals in urban, peri-urban and rural areas.
Often it is more about better coordination, getting in early or knowing who to contact to get the right advice.
There is also a strong case for a more evidence-based approach to feral animal management and for guidelines on issues such as fauna relocations.
At the ‘Critters of Serpentine-Jarrahdale’ Seminar hosted by LCDC SJ in Mundijong last night, members heard Dr Scott Thompson, Partner and Principal Zoologist, Terrestrial Ecosystems speak about these issues.
Dr Thompson provided an entertaining evening as he discussed his experiences with relocating fauna and managing over-abundant populations of kangaroos in fragmented residential areas. He provided a thought-provoking discussion on the animal welfare issues surrounding the management of feral and pest animal control and gave the group ideas how they can effectively use the skills of consultants and wildlife researchers, and fund raise through use of the Cockatube and nesting box projects.
As an environmental consultant that specialises in vertebrate fauna management, I will provide comments on areas that require attention and that can be done better and how the local agencies, community and NRM groups can work together to improve the fauna management practises in their local areas.
Dr S Thompson May 2016