2016 Myara Brook Planting

Report by Landcare SJ Officer Kristy Gregory

Green Army helping at Myara Brook Planting

A Green Army team is operating in the Peel-Harvey region and we have been able to use them at some of our sites.

Sedlings at Myara Brook Planting, Keysbrook, Western Australia

We have used them at Coffey Rd, Serpentine – love grass removal; Punrak Rd, Serpentine – wattle removal and planting; Beau Sovereign Dve, Nth Dandalup – weed spraying; and Myara Bk, Keysbrook – planting.

Green Army at Myara Brook Planting

Photo of today’s planting day at Myara Bk Reserve, and the Green Army team. It is the third year of planting here, and there is currently an 80% survival rate, due to the lovely soil and weed control efforts by the local Keysbrook Environment Group. 5000 seedling have been planted, with a further 500 today, and a general tidy-up of the guards ready for more to go in next year.

Get more information about the Green Army on the Peel Harvey Catchment Council website Green Army in Peel Harvey Region

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