Healthy Soil Makes a Happy Horse

two men and two women with horse in paddock watching soil testing


Property owners have the opportunity to attend a free workshop on composting and soil health. The SJ Food and Farm Alliance, with support from Landcare SJ are holding the free community workshop as part of their 12 month SJ Equestrian Property Regenerative Soil Health Trial.


The workshop includes information on biological soil activity and assessment methods, a compost building demonstration, a guide to fermented composting, and Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale composting guidelines. Presenters Ellen Walker from EarthWhile Australia, Robyn Brown from Waste Is My Resource and Merri Harris from the SJ Food & Farm Alliance will share their knowledge and assist land holders in improving their overall soil health.



A free biological soil assessment is available, soil sample required, to the first 20 ticket holders valued at $80. Tickets are free although a $20 deposit is necessary to hold your ticket and will be refunded on attendance to the workshop. The event is being held in Mardella on Saturday April 23 2022, at 1.30pm. Booking is essential, please contact for further information.



This project is supported by the Peel-Harvey Catchment Council, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program and the Western Australian Government’s State NRM Program.

man kneeling to do soil tests in paddock

Posted in Events, Feature posts, Latest News.