River Road Fox Control Workshop

Is your property within the home range of a Red Fox? Did you know that foxes pose a health risk to humans and pets, through transmission of disease such as distemper, parvo virus and mange? In affected areas, sheep owners can lose up to 40% of newborn lambs in one season. The Red Fox is […]

feral pigs

War on Feral Pigs in Serpentine Jarrahdale

By Kristy Gregory, Landcare SJ Project Management Officer . Landholders in Keysbrook have declared war on feral pigs over spring and summer, with a family group of 1 boar, 3 sows and 21 piglets successfully caught in November 2018. Since then, another group has been trapped, thanks to neighbours pooling their skills and knowledge, and […]

Spring baiting season 2017

The Serpentine Jarrahdale and Coolup Land Conservation District Committees are running a spring community baiting season. Thanks once again to funding from the State NRM Program. A community baiting season ensures that landholders are baiting at the same time over a large area, and at an optimum time of year. Landholders who are currently accredited […]

A feral pig

Catchment Council offers funding support for feral pig control

The Peel-Harvey Catchment Council is offering landowners support in feral pig management by offering grant funding to cover the cost of on-site trapping. Feral Pigs in the Peel-Harvey region The Peel-Harvey Catchment Council (PHCC) is working closely with stakeholders to control feral pigs across the Peel-Harvey Catchment. PHCC is offering grant funding to help reduce […]

possum in trap

New Information on Possum Relocation

Landcare SJ often receives calls and visits from land owners who would like possums in their roof space to be relocated. As possums are native animals they require permits for both trapping and relocation.     Both ringtail and brushtail possums are found in SJ. Being a highly adaptive animal, they are known to take […]

feral cat in daylight

Cat Management – is there a silver bullet

By Scott Thompson on Jun 08, 2016   Predation by feral cats is one of the greatest threats facing threatened species and fauna assemblages across Australia. The ongoing management of the impacts of feral cats is a challenging task and although there are many techniques being trialled, we don’t seem to have found a ‘silver […]

Equine property in Serpentine practising Sustainable Agriculture

Inaugural SJ Equine Landcare Field Day

SJ Equine Landcare Field Day tackles Weeds and Pests There were 22 attendees at the Inaugural field day in our field day series focussing on Equine Land Management. The Field day was held on April 30th at the beautiful property Quahlee in Serpentine.  Jake Pickersgill from Martins Environmental started off the day with a weeds […]