North Dandalup Primary school has 2ha of bushland reserve, mostly in good condition, containing several types of rare Marri Woodlands botanically classed as Threatened Ecological Communities. In the early days of settlement farmers knew that land containing certain species of plants and trees would have soil that would be successful for farming. As a consequence […]
Tag Archives: Peel Harvey Catchment Council
2016 Myara Brook Planting
Report by Landcare SJ Officer Kristy Gregory A Green Army team is operating in the Peel-Harvey region and we have been able to use them at some of our sites. We have used them at Coffey Rd, Serpentine – love grass removal; Punrak Rd, Serpentine – wattle removal and planting; Beau Sovereign Dve, Nth Dandalup […]
Threatened Ecological Communities – New Funding
Kristy Gregory, Teele Hooper-Worrell, Landcare SJ officers, and Penny Hollick from the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale completed site inspections on 17th May at several Threatened Ecological Communities in the Serpentine Jarrahdale region. They re-surveyed an established flora plot at Brickwood Reserve in Byford. New Flora quadrats were set up at Duckpond Reserve and another […]