Landcare SJ coordinated 4 planting days as part of a collaboration with the Murdoch University led Keep Carnaby’s Flying – Ngoolarks Forever project. Funded by Lottery West this project aims to engage the community to keep Carnaby’s flying (safeguard their future) by addressing threats and providing food, water and habitat across the Perth-Peel region. Over […]
Tag Archives: Peel Harvey Catchment Council
Managing threats to Banksia woodland in Serpentine Jarrahdale
Pests, disease and weeds pose the most serious threats to the Banksia Woodlands of the Swan Coastal Plain which provide food and habitat for our native fauna and flora.
Peel Bright Minds ESTEAM Awards
Congratulations to Steve Fisher who has won the Science Communicator of the Year award at the recent Peel Bright Minds ESTEAM Awards night. Science communicator of the year award recognises researchers or science practitioners that show outstanding engagement with, or communication to, the community in Peel. The award was sponsored by John Lambrecht. Peel Bright Minds posted this […]
Catchment Council offers funding support for feral pig control
The Peel-Harvey Catchment Council is offering landowners support in feral pig management by offering grant funding to cover the cost of on-site trapping. Feral Pigs in the Peel-Harvey region The Peel-Harvey Catchment Council (PHCC) is working closely with stakeholders to control feral pigs across the Peel-Harvey Catchment. PHCC is offering grant funding to help reduce […]
Fire Safety Survival Plan Workshop in time for 2017 fire season.
Landcare SJ, the SJ Equine Landcare Group, The Forever Project, and the Peel Harvey Catchment Council have partnered up to provide equine landowners the opportunity to create a fire safety survival plan with the experienced presenter award winning Rohan Carboon, Bushfire Safety Consultant. This workshop will be funded through the National Landcare Programme and State […]
NEW Funding Received for Dieback Control
Peel-Harvey Catchment Council Community Environment Grant Round 2 Dieback Treatment on Private Land Three large areas of privately owned native vegetation will benefit from grant funding through the Peel-Harvey Catchment Council’s Community Environment Grant. The grant will be used to treat 3870m of Phytophthora dieback disease front, which will protect 142ha of bushland from infestation […]
Horse owners swap horses for bus on equine landcare bus tour
Saturday November the 12th saw a bus load of enthusiastic horse property managers tour the SJ Region learning about paddock rotation systems. A track system allows your horses to move freely around your paddocks while restricting time on your grass. This allows the grass to rest between grazing periods decreasing negative impacts. There are both […]
Whitby Farm plays host to Equine Landcare Field Day
Murdoch University’s Whitby Farm opened its doors to the fourth field day series of the Landcare SJ Equine Landcare Project. The project is funded through the State NRM Community Action Grants and Supported by the Peel-Harvey Catchment Council through the National Landcare Programme. Attendees were lucky to have farm manager Bob Fawcett introduce the Whitby Farm and […]