stinkweed growing amongst seedlings planted 2017 at Byford Scout Reserve

Stink weed at the Byford Scout Reserve

    Byford Envirolink members are sticky and smelly but they have cleared a huge amount of stink weed from the Scout Reserve in Byford. There is still more to remove and BEL will be back next Friday morning from 8-9am. If you would like to help just come along. Bring gloves and a mattock […]

green army members sitting in the back of a van

2016 Myara Brook Planting

Report by Landcare SJ Officer Kristy Gregory A Green Army team is operating in the Peel-Harvey region and we have been able to use them at some of our sites. We have used them at Coffey Rd, Serpentine – love grass removal; Punrak Rd, Serpentine – wattle removal and planting; Beau Sovereign Dve, Nth Dandalup […]