Restoration of Gooralong Brook, Jarrahdale

      The Jarrahdale Heritage Society and Landcare SJ, with significant funding through the State NRM Program, have been carrying out environmental restoration works along Gooralong Brook since 2013. Successful weed removal and revegetation has so far been undertaken in an area between Jarrahdale Rd and the Mill Managers House. The next stage of […]

Gooralong Brook, Jarrahdale

National Tree Day at Gooralong Brook

On Sunday 31st July 65 people confronted the windy, rainy and cold weather to plant 2500 seedlings.   It was great to see so many kids dragging their mums, dads and grandparents down to the creek to plant the sedge species, then running back for more trays of seedlings.   The mist and rain only […]