The SJ Food and Farm Alliance recently presented the SJ Equestrian Property Regenerative Soil Health Trial Workshop and Field Day. The event was supported by Landcare SJ. The workshop included guest speakers Belinda Taylor from Hoof Hearted Hoof Care presenting on soil testing methods. The Peel Harvey Catchment Council presented on soil and water […]
Tag Archives: Equine Landcare
Second C-Wise Bus Tour a Success
For the second time, Landcare SJ as part of its Equine Landcare Project took a busload of interested landowners to the C-Wise composting facility in Nambellup. The Soil Amendment Bus Tour was part of the Better Pasture Series of field days, funded through the State NRM Program, and focussed on building healthy soils as a […]
Equine Landcare Events for Serpentine Jarrahdale
Landcare SJ and the SJ Equine Landcare Group, through funding from the State Natural Resource Management Program, is planning their next set of field days to support horse property owners in sustainable management. The next four field days will be focused on: 1. Property Planning and PIC Numbers 27th April Belinda Taylor from […]
WA Horse Council LARGE ANIMAL RESCUE – book now as limited places
LARGE ANIMAL RESCUE – book now as limited places ‘The WA Horse Council’s AR3 Masterclass will be held at the State Equestrian Centre, on Tuesday 29th and Wednesday 30th May and will be presented by Anton Phillips from the United Kingdom, a world leader in Large Animal Rescue training. Anton is one of three Animal […]
Summer sores and faecal egg counts- Worm management in summer.
This summer has your horse developed a sore just won’t heal? You may be dealing with a summer sore. Summer sores occur when worm larvae are deposited by flies onto moist areas on a horse, such as a wound or near the eye. The worm larvae then irritate the area causing inflammation and itching. This […]
Worms and Weeds Equine Event
Are you confused about how to move forward in summer with your worms and weeds management? Worry no more- Landcare SJ are hosting a new Equine Landcare event on Worms and Weeds Summer Management. [perfectpullquote align=”left” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Get in early for your spot! Take home resources, brilliant presenters and interesting topics […]
Fire Safety Survival Plan Workshop in time for 2017 fire season.
Landcare SJ, the SJ Equine Landcare Group, The Forever Project, and the Peel Harvey Catchment Council have partnered up to provide equine landowners the opportunity to create a fire safety survival plan with the experienced presenter award winning Rohan Carboon, Bushfire Safety Consultant. This workshop will be funded through the National Landcare Programme and State […]
Horse owners swap horses for bus on equine landcare bus tour
Saturday November the 12th saw a bus load of enthusiastic horse property managers tour the SJ Region learning about paddock rotation systems. A track system allows your horses to move freely around your paddocks while restricting time on your grass. This allows the grass to rest between grazing periods decreasing negative impacts. There are both […]
Whitby Farm plays host to Equine Landcare Field Day
Murdoch University’s Whitby Farm opened its doors to the fourth field day series of the Landcare SJ Equine Landcare Project. The project is funded through the State NRM Community Action Grants and Supported by the Peel-Harvey Catchment Council through the National Landcare Programme. Attendees were lucky to have farm manager Bob Fawcett introduce the Whitby Farm and […]
SJ Equine Landcare Pest and Weeds Field Day
There were 22 attendees at the Inaugural field day in our field day series focussing on Equine Land Management. The Field day was held on April 30th at the beautiful property Quahlee in Serpentine. Jake Pickersgill from Martins Environmental started off the day with a weeds presentation. Many attendees had brought in weeds from their […]