Water Hyacinth in Keralup

Water hyacinth on the Birega Drain and Serpentine River

Watch this space! Water hyacinth on the Birega Drain and Serpentine River  Do you remember this time last year when you helped analyse more than 8000 online aerial images to determine the location of water hyacinth along the Birega Drain and Serpentine River? Check out the map that your eagle eyes helped to produce, and start […]

LCDC renomination meeting flyer

Serpentine Jarrahdale Land Conservation and Districts Committee

Serpentine Jarrahdale LCDC has been active since 1988 delivering landcare activities across Serpentine Jarrahdale and beyond. If you are interested in conservation, sustainable agriculture, environmental repair, native flora and fauna and working with the community, consider joining the friendly team that make up the SJ LCDC.   Public meeting – all welcome 7:30pm Wednesday 21 […]

Lowlands Roo Count Flyer

Counting Roos at Lowlands Bushland – Can you help

During 2018, Landcare SJ will be assisting the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions to measure abundance of Western Grey Kangaroos in Lowlands bushland, Serpentine. A number of field methodologies will be used over a period of time to estimate the roo population, and we are seeking the help of volunteers to carry out walking […]

The crowd at the 2017 Landcare SJ AGM

Landcare SJ showcase activities at annual general meeting

The Serpentine Jarrahdale Landcare Centre hosted to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Landcare SJ Inc a not-for-profit community organisation. The Australian Government defines an AGM as –  “a meeting held once a year that all members of a charity are invited to attend. The purpose of an AGM is to give members a report […]

Byford Scouts at the Landcare Sj National Tree Day Celebration

Scouts swap tent pegs for tree stakes at National Tree Day

The 2017 Landcare SJ National Tree Day Celebration was held at the Byford scout hall on July 30th. The scouts turned up enthusiastically swapping tent pegs for tree stakes as they planted native seedlings and then guarded them against the local kangaroo population. Over 100 people turned up on the chilly, but sunny morning, to […]