A downloadable guide to growing native plant species in Serpentine Jarrahdale and North Murray

Project Grants Update

Landcare SJ has successfully applied for some new grant funding that covers a range of projects. Update from Teele Hooper-Worrell (Landcare SJ officer) State NRM CAPACITY GRANT Small 2015- This grant titled ‘Mid Swan Coastal Plain Native Species for Landcare Projects’ Provides $6,197.00 ex GST to produce 4000 copies of the Keeping It Local Booklet. […]

Carnaby's Black Cockatoo

Landcare SJ helping to save endangered Black Cockatoos

A four-year-old Carnaby’s cockatoo (above left)  has gone against the odds and is raising a nestling in one of 62 artificial hollows (above right)installed near Badgingarra in the midwest. Wildlife officer Rick Dawson said she didn’t waste any time, laying the egg within four days of the hollows being installed, and bucking the trend which […]