$5000 Grant for Revegetation of Soldiers Road Verge.

A $5,000 grant was awarded to the Byford Progress Association for revegetation of the Soldiers Road verge where members have removed love grass and watsonia over the last 15 months. This road reserve is one of the most beautiful examples of local flora stretching from Byford to Mundijong.   There is also  a walk trail adjacent […]

man with qquirky black cockatoo sculpture

Byford sculpture recognises Landcare SJ’s contribution to saving Black Cockatoos

Pictures of the installation of the black cockatoo sculpture. It is yet to be painted. The sculpture has been commissioned by the Byford Progress Association to recognise Landcare SJ’s contribution to saving this iconic threatened species by the development of our artificial nest boxes – the Cockatube ®. Sculptor, Lens Zuks with his latest addition […]

Serpentine River Threatened by Building Waste

Rubbish left by builders could pollute the Serpentine River system. Members of the Byford Enviro-Link and the By ford Progress Association have been picking up  rubbish from the public open space that runs along Manjedal Brook. Twenty bags were taken out of the Brook while the total for the immediate vicinity is now more than […]