A $5,000 grant was awarded to the Byford Progress Association for revegetation of the Soldiers Road verge where members have removed love grass and watsonia over the last 15 months. This road reserve is one of the most beautiful examples of local flora stretching from Byford to Mundijong. There is also a walk trail adjacent […]
Tag Archives: Byford Enviro-Link
Byford gets a new park
Byford Enviro-link watered the plants in Granfell St and Marchant Way and also the new park proposed to be called Marri Tree Park this morning. Council has agreed to the name and this request is being progressed through government channels.
Byford Enviro-Link has busy bee at the Byford Scout Hut
Byford Envirolink members joined Kristy from the Landcare Centre to remove tree guards from the most advanced plants at the Byford Scout Hall Public Open Space. They have all been neatly packaged for reuse this coming planting season. There is a great survival rate at this site, but even here you can see the […]
Byford Information Bay gets a facelift
Byford Information Bay before planting Byford information Bay Landcare SJ’s 2018 Planting Season kicked off at the Byford Entry Statement and Information Bay last Friday. Byford Enviro-Link joined Landcare SJ officers Francis Smit and Kristy Gregory to plant 160 plants around the 2 sites.
Stink weed at the Byford Scout Reserve
Byford Envirolink members are sticky and smelly but they have cleared a huge amount of stink weed from the Scout Reserve in Byford. There is still more to remove and BEL will be back next Friday morning from 8-9am. If you would like to help just come along. Bring gloves and a mattock […]
National Tree Day Preparation
On Friday 16th June Byford Enviro-link helped Kristy Gregory from Landcare SJ prepare this year’s National Tree Day site at the Byford Scount Hall in Byford, The team cleared weeds that had not died from spraying including bridal weed and invasive eastern states wattles. Old tree guards were removed and rubbish collected.
Byford Enviro-Link – Summer watering schedule
Byford Enviro-Link, a Byford based volunteer group supported by Landcare SJ, meets every Friday morning. Percy Nairn Reserve gets a watering The recent rains and high winds meant that there was weeding and tidying up to do. Unfortunately some young trees were uprooted. However some shrubs had really shot up and so needed to be […]
2016 Planting Season Serpentine Jarrahdale
Brickwood Reserve The Friends of Brickwood Reserve is currently meeting on the first Sunday of every month to carry out on-ground work in the bushland, mainly focussing on weed control. On Sunday 7 August we planted 250 seedlings which had been grown from collected seed in the reserve. The intention is to form a […]
Serpentine River Threatened by Building Waste
Rubbish left by builders could pollute the Serpentine River system. Members of the Byford Enviro-Link and the By ford Progress Association have been picking up rubbish from the public open space that runs along Manjedal Brook. Twenty bags were taken out of the Brook while the total for the immediate vicinity is now more than […]