Is your property within the home range of a Red Fox? Did you know that foxes pose a health risk to humans and pets, through transmission of disease such as distemper, parvo virus and mange? In affected areas, sheep owners can lose up to 40% of newborn lambs in one season. The Red Fox is […]
Tag Archives: biosecurity
War on Feral Pigs in Serpentine Jarrahdale
By Kristy Gregory, Landcare SJ Project Management Officer . Landholders in Keysbrook have declared war on feral pigs over spring and summer, with a family group of 1 boar, 3 sows and 21 piglets successfully caught in November 2018. Since then, another group has been trapped, thanks to neighbours pooling their skills and knowledge, and […]
Water hyacinth aerial surveillance complete
Water hyacinth aerial surveillance now complete on the Birega Drain and Serpentine River After a slight delay with weather conditions, aerial images were taken over the Easter long weekend of nearly 40km of the Serpentine River & Birega Drain. The area from the Forrest Highway to North of Mundijong Rd encapsulates the extent of the […]
Spring baiting season 2017
The Serpentine Jarrahdale and Coolup Land Conservation District Committees are running a spring community baiting season. Thanks once again to funding from the State NRM Program. A community baiting season ensures that landholders are baiting at the same time over a large area, and at an optimum time of year. Landholders who are currently accredited […]
Catchment Council offers funding support for feral pig control
The Peel-Harvey Catchment Council is offering landowners support in feral pig management by offering grant funding to cover the cost of on-site trapping. Feral Pigs in the Peel-Harvey region The Peel-Harvey Catchment Council (PHCC) is working closely with stakeholders to control feral pigs across the Peel-Harvey Catchment. PHCC is offering grant funding to help reduce […]