Pests, disease and weeds pose the most serious threats to the Banksia Woodlands of the Swan Coastal Plain which provide food and habitat for our native fauna and flora.
Tag Archives: Banksia bushland
Spring Flora Monitoring 2020
Spring Flora Monitoring 2020 Springtime means Spring Flora Monitoring of Banksia Woodland for Landcare SJ. Banksia Woodland has been classified as a Threatened Ecological Community under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. With only small remnants remaining, much of this remnant bushland is located on private property. The 2020 season of spring flora […]
Banksia Woodland Project at Brickwood Reserve
Brickwood Reserve is located in an urban area of Byford adjacent to Briggs Park and extending out along Soldiers Road in Cardup. The reserve is environmentally significant and includes Bush Forever areas and threatened ecological communities including Banksia Woodland