Artificial nest boxes for Black Cockatoos
The COCKATUBE ® nesting box has been researched and developed by Landcare SJ Inc. in co-operation with the WA Museum, the Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPAW) and people with a passion to help these critically endangered birds.
The COCKATUBE ® nest box has been designed specifically for the 3 species of Black Cockatoo found in Western Australia, but is suitable for all Black Cockatoo species Australia wide.
With some maintenance the COCKATUBE ® is expected to last over 50 years.
Price on Application
1200mm x 375mm
Recommended by DBCA (Dept. Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions) as optimum hollow dimensions for WA Black Cockatoos, and suitable for all Australian species of Black Cockatoos.
Landcare SJ can provide a full installation service or installation advice.
You can install the COCKATUBE ® yourself and Installation Guidelines are available at purchase.
Generally a cherry picker or tree climber (preferably an arborist) will be required.
Cockatube order for shipment to Victoria