Artificial nest boxes for Black Cockatoos

The COCKATUBE ® nesting box has been researched and developed by Landcare SJ Inc. in co-operation with the WA Museum, the Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPAW) and people with a passion to help these critically endangered birds.

The COCKATUBE ® nest box has been designed specifically for the 3 species of Black Cockatoo found in Western Australia, but is suitable for all Black Cockatoo species Australia wide.

With some maintenance the COCKATUBE ® is expected to last over 50 years.


Price on Application

1200mm x 375mm     

Recommended by DBCA (Dept. Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions) as optimum hollow dimensions for WA Black Cockatoos, and suitable for all Australian species of Black Cockatoos.


Landcare SJ can provide a full installation service or installation advice.

You can install the  COCKATUBE ® yourself and Installation Guidelines are available at purchase.

Generally a cherry picker or tree climber (preferably an arborist) will be required.

Carnaby's Cockatoo sitting on top of a Landcare SJ Cockatube ( artificial hollow)

Black Cockatoos are  unique and extremely beautiful birds, four species of which are native to WA: Baudins, Carnabys, and two species of Forest Red-Tailed Black Cockatoos.
Each have their own individual feeding and breeding habits, however, they all have one thing in common; they are becoming increasingly uncommon along the Swan Coastal Plain. In fact, only 10% of their original habitat remains, due to large areas of native vegetation being cleared for development.
Black Cockatoos not only have to deal with their habitat being degraded, they also have to compete with feral bees, Correllas, possums and other creatures for nesting positions.
For more information see   Saving Black Cockatoos

Cockatube order for shipment to Victoria 

Carnaby's Cockatoo nestling approximately 7 weeks old in atrificial hollowtwo black cockatoos above a cockatube