Funding of $49,315 has been provided by the State NRM Office to carry out feral animal management activities and community education in the districts of Serpentine Jarrahdale, Murray, Waroona and Harvey. This project will run until December 2017.
Community baiting seasons
Twice-yearly coordinated baiting seasons at optimum times of the year – end of summer when feed is low; and spring time when young are in the dens/warrens.
Purchase of traps for non-baiting feral animal control options
Box cage traps available for hire – foxes, rabbits, feral cats.
Soft jaw traps also available for trialing trapping sites on private properties, with a view to land owners purchasing their own traps and setting up a permanent site.
Information events
Info sessions, field days and demonstrations held on the topics of feral animal control.
Another trapping demonstration will be run in 2017 – keep an eye on the Landcare SJ newsletter, Facebook and website.