Roost and Rookery Pinjarra

Lesser Hall, Pinjarra Civic Centre 1915 Pinjarra Road, Pinjarra, Australia

Birds in Paradise

Byford Hall 9 Clifton Street, Byford, Western Australia, Australia

Birds in Paradise (Byford Hall) Saturday February 20 2:00 pm – 5:00pm  Free event– The event will feature Ron Johnstone OAM, from WA Museum, discussing 50 years of ornithology at the WA Museum.  The presentation will include details of the history of the WA Museum collections, their use and current projects, including the forthcoming WA […]

Black Cockatoos and Bushland

North Dandalup Memeorial Hall Edward Street, North Dandalup, WA, Australia

Black Cockatoos and Bushland (North Dandalup Memorial Hall) Saturday March 6, 2:00 pm – 4:30pm  Free event– This event will feature Tom Lerner on how to maintain and enhance bushland on your block, plus Birdlife WA will present on Black Cockatoos and let you know how you can be involved in the Great Cocky Count. […]