Great Cocky Count
Don’t forget to register for the Great Cocky Count!
Registrations are closing soon for the 2025 Great Cocky Count! Help BirdLife Australia count black-cockatoos across southwest WA as they fly into their evening roosts on Sunday 6
th April at sunset.
This annual citizen science survey provides essential data to estimate population trends for our
threatened cockies and to help protect critical habitat. No experience is required – full instructions
are provided or you can attend one of the remaining information and training sessions. Counters are
needed to cover sites from Geraldton in the north to Esperance along the south coast. Registrations
close on Sunday 16th March.
Register here today to join the volunteer flock for the 2025 Great Cocky Count!
The Great Cocky Count is supported by funding from the Western Australian Government’s State
NRM Program.