In mid-November, Reece and Sue were busy pulling out more than 300 Narrow-leaf Cotton Bush plants that were gearing up to bust open their fruit. This would have dispersed thousands of seeds along sections of Wright and Lowlands Road. Over the coming weeks, the Landcare SJ team will be returning to the reserves and […]
Category Archives: weeds
Weed ID and Advice Workshop
Weed experts Greg Keighery, Order of Australia recipient, and Principal Ecologist Andrew Mitchell present a weeds ID and advice workshop.
Annual Rye Grass Toxicity Workshop
20 beef farmers attended the annual rye grass toxicity session on 10th July at the Keysbrook Hall. -Dr Kevin Hepworth, Field Vet from the Dept Primary Industries and Regional Development gave a presentation about annual rye grass toxicity: Signs and symptoms Controlling ARGT in pasture Testing hay for ARGT -A very good outcome […]
2 hours + 5 people =500 cotton bush plants removed. Declared weeds are everyone’s business.
That’s what it took to remove cotton bush at the corner of Mundijong and Kargotich roads and at the intersection of Mundijong and Lightbody roads. Staff from Landcare SJ and the Peel Harvey Biosecurity Group were quick to rally together to utilise a couple of unallocated hours in their busy work schedules. Whilst it is […]
Water hyacinth aerial surveillance complete
Water hyacinth aerial surveillance now complete on the Birega Drain and Serpentine River After a slight delay with weather conditions, aerial images were taken over the Easter long weekend of nearly 40km of the Serpentine River & Birega Drain. The area from the Forrest Highway to North of Mundijong Rd encapsulates the extent of the […]
Stink weed at the Byford Scout Reserve
Byford Envirolink members are sticky and smelly but they have cleared a huge amount of stink weed from the Scout Reserve in Byford. There is still more to remove and BEL will be back next Friday morning from 8-9am. If you would like to help just come along. Bring gloves and a mattock […]
Water hyacinth on the Birega Drain and Serpentine River
Watch this space! Water hyacinth on the Birega Drain and Serpentine River Do you remember this time last year when you helped analyse more than 8000 online aerial images to determine the location of water hyacinth along the Birega Drain and Serpentine River? Check out the map that your eagle eyes helped to produce, and start […]
Water Hyacinth Surveillance of the Serpentine River
Drone photography trial for weed surveillance in the South West ‘Boosting Biosecurity Defence’ project funded by Royalties 4 Regions. Members of the Serpentine Jarrahdale community are invited to help search for the water Hyacinth in the Birega drain and Serpentine river. This will be done from personal computers by individuals viewing images on a central […]
Threatened Ecological Communities – More Quadrats
Threatened Ecological Communities (TEC) More Quadrats One of the four newly funded grants from the Peel-Harvey Catchment Council, focussed on improvement of Threatened Ecological Communities. Another 2 flora quadrats were set up by Landcare SJ officers on a private property in Serpentine. The recipients of this particular grant have significant areas of veldt grass […]